Brushing and Flossing
You should take time to brush your teeth the moment you wake up and then again right before bed. Each session should take at least two minutes to ensure you are properly cleaning the surfaces of your teeth and along the gum line. To avoid inadvertent gum irritation, we recommend a toothbrush with soft bristles. You can use an electric one or a manual toothbrush, just as long as you are taking time to properly clean your teeth. The toothpaste you use matters as well, as one with fluoride helps strengthen your teeth.
Flossing should be done in the evening before you brush and second time. Flossing enables you to remove the trapped food particles that a toothbrush alone cannot. You can use tape, string, or a pick to clean up and down each side of every tooth. You should dip beneath the gum line to extract trapped particles too!
Changes to Your Diet
Harmful oral bacteria, the mind that can cause issues like tooth decay and periodontal disease, love sugar and starch. They consume the particles stuck on or between your teeth, in the process creating an elevated acidity level and plaque buildup to weaken enamel and irritate the gums. Which is why we urge you to cut back on the sugar and starch in your diet. Instead, drink more water and enjoy items high in vitamins and nutrients.
Avoid Tobacco!
When you smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products, you not only increase the risk of gum disease, bad breath, and teeth stains, but also several forms of cancer. We urge you to quit!
Checkups and Cleanings
Every six months, you should see our team for a checkup and cleaning. We will talk to you about your oral hygiene habits and also examine your smile for signs of trouble. We then clean the teeth to remove harmful buildup and help your smile stay healthy and strong. If you have any questions about how we ensure good general hygiene, then please reach out to our team today to learn more.
Talk To Your Oklahoma City, OK Dentist About General Hygiene
Our team wants to help you understand how to properly care for your smile from home. If you would like to find out more about general hygiene and our treatment options, then call our Oklahoma City, OK dental practice at (405) 752-0111.